
with their projects:
(click images to enlarge!…sorry … the descriptions can only be too short…)


Angela Hoyos y Juan Hernandez
and their cosy performance glove to play and influence pre-recorded voices…

angela presentingjuan talking with glove

2 pictures from their following performance “Quelgualó”:

in actionin actino 2


Frida Franker and Jonatan Winbo
make us feel how the human voice will make a chandelier swing and sound

room outsideroom inside


Linus Nilsson
creates a landscape underneath his table with motors that hand on their rotation

linus untenlinus unten 2leute unten


Martin Dahlström-Heuser and Barrie Sutcliffe
The randomness radioactively decaying Krypton moves piano hammers to play the wall

krpton hammersbarrie martin hammers


Signe Winkler and Nedine Kachornnamsong
built prototypes for an installation with objects that start to move if a spotlight lights them up

motor lightobjectnedine object


Tomoyuki Yago
prototype of a psychedelic pigeon trap - revenging human intelligence

yago foodyago presenting